The Visa Collector

A blog about travelling with a Filipino passport, and life overseas

Kalamansi Chronicles: Dawn harvest

Posted by VisaC on December 26, 2010 at 3:20 pm

The barbecue opportunity I’d been waiting for ever since we got the Kalamansi plant finally came up: Christmas 2010. We were putting together a party at a friend’s place and my pork BBQ dish was requested. Ideally, the pork should have been marinaded a couple of days ahead of time. But I had just come back from a looooong two week trip involving three time zones, so my body clock was just totally out of whack. So I wasn’t able to do anything two nights before.

Thus in the wee hours of the 24th, I harvested whatever I could and got to work.

Only six fruits could be harvested and I had a lot of meat to prepare. So I took those, and added a couple of lemons for reinforcement.

Too bad it rained on Christmas. So we broiled the pork instead of grilling it.

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